
The Stolen White Elephant(short review)

The Stolen White Elephant
I heard the following curious story from a railway acquaintance. He was a gentleman of more than seventy years of age, and his good face and sincere manner put the stamp of truth on everything he said. 

This is the story about a royal white elephant. This story is a little long but I enjoyed reading it. I had never seen a white elephant before so I thought it was very rare and very cute. But I felt sorry for it not being able to  live freely.
白象のイラスト | かわいいフリー素材集 いらすとや


COCO(Remember Me)

Pixar's work ''Remember Me'' was released on March 16, 2018. At the 90 the academy awards held before its release, it won the Feature Animation Award and the Music Award, and is said to ''the movie that makes me want to meet my family the most this year''.

I love this movie because the music that plays in this movie is so wonderful. Among them, ''Un Poco Loco'' was the most wonderful. Here is the URL of that song. [ https://youtu.be/yg8116aeD7E ] Please listen to it!

リメンバー・ミー"Coco" | b わたしの英会話 - 女性のための ...